Chapter 1 The Silent Aftermath
In the mid 1950s, a battle bubbled to the surface between a group of Catholic intellectuals, intent on removing segregation in New Orleans Catholic schools, and their formidable segregationist foes. While the intellectuals began planning for the integration of New Orleans Catholic schools as early as 1949, Archbishop Rummel and his Church hierarchy refused to integrate his schools for years, putting off desegregating them until 1962, two years after the New Orleans public schools complied with Federal civil rights laws.
In the battle’s aftermath was a wake of difficult challenges John and his siblings had to face. This is the account of his attempt to understand the consequences of this epic struggle. The story begins with the description of their unusual childhood and the puzzles that surrounded it. Why were they treated harshly by their parents and at times by schoolmates? Why was John sent to a boarding school a short distance from home and not allowed to return on weekends? Who was his adopted brother Joe? Was he used as an instrument of collusion in the battle between segregationist and integrationist?
In the Silent Aftermath John tells how, more than fifty years later, he unraveled shocking discoveries of the mystery behind the difficulties they had as children and the early battle to integrate New Orleans segregated Catholic schools.
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